Reflections #4
I See Faces Everywhere
I was very fortunate to have a fourth-grade teacher who inspired me to see ‘outside the box’. She once told the story of how she and her mother, while laying on their backs on a summer day looking at the sky, saw clouds in the shape of an oasis. That story and vision have stayed with me all these years. By using my imagination, I can conjure visual similes and it can be fun.
Somewhere along the line, I became aware of anthropomorphism, the attaching of human qualities to non-human things. Rocks take on personas that are seemingly eternal. The tip of a crane resembles a dinosaur.
Taking this one step further, leads me to one of my favorite subject challenges, pareidolia, the attaching of facial qualities to inanimate objects.
On days when the light is flat and uninspiring, when I am pushing too hard to make great images, letting go of controlling that which is in front of the camera, paying close attention to details, yields bounty beyond expectations. I see faces in rust, wood grain, machines, electric outlets and of course, clouds. Faces can become characters reminiscent of icons (I once saw a face in a sailboat block that reminded me of ‘The Scream’).
The camera sees whatever we point it towards; everything we see can be distilled to lines and shapes. The circles of screw heads become eyes when seen with our imagination. Being open to possibilities of chance is also fair play. There are happy accidents like ephemeral reflections of swirling water where faces appear and disappear. Staring beyond the carrier of the the illusion. things are not always what they appear to be. The world is a vast cauldron of delights waiting to be uncovered, more than what appears at first glance.
Plenty of examples can be found on my website galleries of pareidolia and anthropomorphism.
Thanks again to an inspiring educator among a sea of tired tenured teachers who stimulated a young mind to look outside the lines, unlocking the curious nature that has become a hallmark of my creative life.
I was walking the dirt road leading up to a former dairy farm that had been in the same family for multiple generations. An aging red dump truck roared up the incline, the driver warning me to stay out of the way lest I get run over…and no, I could not walk out to the fields. Not being able to wander about aimlessly, the area I was permitted to explore was a series of leaning wooden outbuildings in the rich sunlight of late afternoon. With somewhat dashed expectations, I patiently waited for inspiration to come to me.
Next to one of the sheds was an old green tractor, rusting away. The weeds growing around it suggested it had been parked there, waiting, for some time. I was moved by the quality of light bathing the seat, its layers exposed. Brilliant low angle warm sunlight holds many metaphors; light is hope, light is resilience, enlightenment, and truth. Light radiates beauty elevating the object it exposes.
This illumination when juxtaposed with shadows, which convey mystery, ambiguity, and fear, creates a new metaphor: light emerging from darkness.
My images are often motivated by capturing that which is changing. The seat which has seen much use, had purpose, but now is in the waning twilight of its usefulness. This disintegration shows vulnerability, but because of its slightly elevated positioning, the seat retains dignity and strength. The object (tractor seat) works with the subject, warm nostalgic light, referring to simpler, maybe happier times. The more time I spend looking at this image, the more the lighted seat takes on an anima, a presence.
Recently, I sense a shift in my vision. Where previously, I have been more concerned about the thing in the image as shaving the most meaning, I now let light guide me to emotional quality as subject. The evocative qualities of light allow me to feel and share beauty in unexpected forms; to elevate the mundane to extraordinary. Who knew that by being confined to a small area of exploration, such treasures could be found!
Nikon Z7II
F 5.6
IOS 400
70 mm
Afternoon Light, Ruggles Station, Boston
Following the LIFE magazine exhibition at the Museum of Fine Arts, I was inspired to go out and see the world anew. As I waited for the Wickford train, I had time to wander around the Ruggles commuter train station. In the shadows of the more deserted area, I was smitten by the strong presence of backlighting which illuminated the passages, planes, textures, and shapes of the platform.
Initially, I printed the photo as a monochrome black and white image. The color values translated well into shades of gray, and I loved the contrast of the glowing light and shadows. But something was missing. The image is incomplete without color, which adds an emotional quality of warm, nostalgic light. Emotionally, color added an other-worldly welcoming glow over the stark architecture, balancing the grittiness and impersonality of the scene.
I once heard an interview with legendary National Geographic photographer Sam Abell, whose philosophy of composing a ‘street photograph’ was to create a strong graphic background, one that could exist as an image on its own and wait for a ‘decisive’ moment. Would the shadow of a passerby fill the bright space and strengthen the image? I struggled with this by asking ‘what is the kind of image I want to make’ by examining my initial attraction.
On the surface, the image is about making order in that complex space, with its passages, planes, and resplendent light. The subject is the substance of light, how it creates a sacred space amidst the concrete impersonal elements of a commuter rail station. There is a paradox; the warm intimate tone bathes a space where individuals, despite their proximity to each other, exist in alienation. A place that is designed to hold passengers is curiously empty…or is it? Intuitively, that warmth is energy radiating out in space. The space is not empty to me, it is full of promise and expectation. I stopped to savor the moment of this threshold, between light and dark, connecting, to the energy of light in its fullness.
In writing these Reflections, I am examining my motives for making photographs. I look for threads in light, subject, composition, emotion, and metaphor. What did I experience in that moment? In my journey as an artist, I strive to transcend the object; instead, what part of me am I trying to express? The chord that “Afternoon Light” resonates within me is without my being able to fully
articulate my feelings. Writing is helping immeasurably.
Fuji XT-4
23mm 1.4 lens
1/125 sec
f 2.8
ISO 200
Walking around the Ephrata Cloister buildings on this crisp fall day, I was aware of a sense of stillness and mystique which descended on me, causing a slower, more contemplative step. Listening on an intuitive level, I connected to this window’s reflection. Windows metaphorically are portals to another place, but this one is obscured by the mirrored reflection. To reinforce this, I used a shallow depth of field softening the clapboards and sharp focusing on the stone wall opposite. The surprise is a third plane, a rear window offering an escape, a way out of the illusion.
In this very straightforward image, there are several juxtapositions:
Seeing through vs blockage
Hard vs soft
Real vs unreal
Finite vs infinite
The list goes on…
As I grow in awareness, it is this juxtaposition I seek, a play in layers that deepens the visual experience. In sharing my love for unconventional beauty in forgotten subjects I find my inspiration in giving the viewer the opportunity to have their own experience within the frame.
Photography is a vehicle for self-discovery, a mirror of my own soul. It is my goal to explore, with all my senses, before raising the camera to my eye, that present moment, to create a complete experience.
Camera Nikon D810
Lens Nikkor 24-70 2.8
F stop: 2.8
Shutter speed: 1/250
ISO 400
Focal length: 70MM
“Reflections” will also be available on Substack:
Black and White or Color?
Having just completed teaching a three-day intensive Black and White photography workshop on Block Island, I saw the world in tones and composition. Black and white photography can tell a story via light, composition, and treatment of subject. Hence, all of my visualization and post processing was directed in this vein.
Until “Three Wheels”, Steamtown.
The image is a bit of a departure for me, a path that has made itself present in the recent past. Instead of straight documentary (and there were some of those, too), there is a conscious intention to isolate only part of the object; the three train wheels adorned with lines of rust drip in this subject of industrial decline.
Over the winter, I was inspired by the work of Anna Audette, featured at the Florence Griswold Museum in Old Lyme Ct. Anna highlighted shapes, layers, and color in her paintings of abandoned industrial subjects. The whole was never the intent in her compositions; it was always a homed in visual crop that touted the metaphor of the ‘forgotten’.
The initial Lightroom and Photoshop edits were heightened in Silver Efex Pro which brought out texture and contrast in a wide global tonality. I loved the way that black and white heightened the simplicity and rhythm of the composition. I know that in certain situations, the story is overcome by the intensity of color, which can act as a distraction. I also know that learning to see in black and white strengthens the underlying structure of an image without the reality of color.
However, in looking at the original color file, the warm light of a mid-winter afternoon added a layer of richness. The warm tones evoke a feeling of nostalgia for things past. This spirit has always been my muse like a second soul.
My final print which will be exhibited at this years Wickford Art Festival absolutely sings in color! I will have both prints with me so you can make your own evaluation!
I’ve recently begun to prepare the next subject for my Photo Atelier, that of creating emotion in our photographs. This topic coincides with a question from a participant, asking how to more effectively imbue a subject with a sense of emotion.
In answering my student as to how to create emotion in a photograph, the first question is ‘why’ are you choosing this subject? Then, what do you feel? The connection is made, knowing what the emotion is that you want to communicate. Then, what choices can you make? In my presentation, I consider how color, lighting, the use of framing, orientation, spaciousness, and point of view add meaning to an image. Lastly, the use of metaphor and symbolism are examined.
I will use my work as an example. I am drawn to subject matter of rusting steel industrial relics and farms whose purposeful architecture often has not been maintained with fresh paint and double paned glass. When I see a silo or smokestack in the distance, it is like a magnet that pulls me closer. What is it about these places that intrigue me? How does finding these places make me feel? In these initial steps, by answering these questions and identifying what that intrigue is, I can start to make decisions about how to represent it with the camera. Aesthetic and technical settings are initial considerations regarding how to best communicate my feelings. Ultimately, this becomes intuitive. More importantly, why is this so important that I must stop and make a photograph?
At the heart of my message, and the well from which decisions are made is my love of beauty in obsolescence. My subjects at one time were purposeful and cutting-edge. In the case of mills, there were the buildings themselves, stores, housing, civic buildings, all in the service of the people who worked there. Also there was the ingenuity of solving problems with new inventions. As progress passed these innovations by in favor of newer, shinier, more efficient technologies, these once vibrant entities began to transform.
When I photograph these relics, be it a barn, a mill, or even a small tool shed, I imbue inanimate objects with human emotions (anima). The emotion is the empathy knowing its past and now its abandonment.
I feel respect and curiosity honoring its former purposefulness, admiring its construction, and wondering what secrets there are still within its walls. There is the feeling of nostalgia, vulnerability, and mission of recording the soon to be forgotten. If a photograph reflects who we are as unique individuals, then the feeling I see in these subjects mirrors an emotion existing in myself.
A photograph that effectively conveys a sense of emotion is ‘made’ not ‘taken’. We all continue to learn fluency in the use of photographic tools to communicate our message. Through practice and asking the right questions, we develop a more intuitive approach to our vision. The benefit of teaching these concepts is reflected in my own creative process and a deeper connection in the way I see the world.
In endless reorganizations of my website, the titles of the various galleries change constantly. Yet, there is overlap and redundancy. What are the keywords that continue to appear from category to category? One is Nostalgia. The Oxford Language dictionary defines nostalgia as "a sentimental longing or wistful affection for the past, typically for a period or place with happy personal associations".
In my work, nostalgia as muse takes different forms such as architecture, industry and enigmatic vestiges of man found in the landscape. Projects I have created include textile mills, rural farm structures and an obsolete elevated railroad. In common they harken back to a different time, of purposefulness and innovation. Their obsolescence in the face of more efficient, less personalized options stimulates my curiosity as to what their heyday must have been.
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Nostalgia can be found in objects left behind. Furniture that once housed clothing, toys left on shelves gathering dust, tools that once graced a craftsman’s hands, all still embody the spirit and presence.
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In my life, I remember the smell of old beachside cottages, the sound of presses and stamping machines and exploring attics filled with trunks and discarded appliances. Photography has given me the tools to preserve a sense of belonging, and a communication with our past, one that is easy to forget as we move on to bigger and better things. My fascination with pictorial history imbues me with the purpose of recording this relics of our past, so they will be remembered.
It is said that the camera looks both ways. In exploring our subjects and metaphors, we are illuminating parts of ourselves, digging more deeply into our ‘why’. In the words of Alister Benn: “Finding your muse is about finding yourself or facets of self, and once we recognize ourselves externally, we know ourselves internally.”
]]>For quite some time, my personal photography work has been moving in a direction that is more intimate and spiritual. As I immersed in this more expressive type of seeing, I was ready to share my lessons and experiences with a new group of students. This required a shift in the type of material I had previously taught, (that being more of the ‘how to’) to a more awareness-based learning. This teaching prototype with which I absolutely am smitten included practicing visual awareness, exposure to masters of photography, gallery, museum exhibitions and visiting with artists in their studios. The dialogue, practice and sharing formed the backbone of ‘The Photo Atelier’. What resulted was a cohesive, mutually beneficial experience that created bonds of trust and friendship.
In my experience, I have heard and tried to practice ‘Contemplative Photography’, but it took a lot of personal growth to leave my tendency for perfectionism behind (sadly, it still tries to vie for my attention) and make images on a more intuitive level. This learning can only grow deeper as I internalize concepts at the level of the experiences I have. The Atelier is paused for the summer as we refill our respective wells. If you have interest, we form up again in September.
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images from Block Island in Black and White 2023 courtesy of Linda LaParle and Talma Nir
Selected Atelier practices were implemented in two Spring workshops, ‘Block Island in Black and White’ and ‘Newfoundland: A Sense of Place’.
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Selected images from 'Newfoundland, A Sense of Place, June 2023
The experience that moved me the most was in leading my first ‘walking meditation’ lesson in Back Harbor, Twillingate, Newfoundland. After a 12-minute undistracted walk with cameras safely stowed in our cars, the world seemed to come alive and presented itself with a myriad of visual
wealth. These possibilities may not have been evident to the walker looking to make expected ‘great’ photographs. Drawing on a less judgmental, more intuitive way of seeing, looking for the metaphor and the ‘what else could it be’ (Minor White) was like opening a door in a wall I previously could only suspect. The two hours of practice were spent engaged in a level of seeing that the poet Mary Oliver calls a ‘seizure of happiness’. In my experience as an artist, this simple approach took ages to realize. The walking process stands out in my mind as the ideal form of my creative flow going forward. In the words of Rob Walker (the Art of Noticing), “being engaged with the world is not a means to an end, it is an end”.
I look forward to more teaching opportunities in this direction feeling the growth and passion of expression in myself. In seeing my students inspired to fill their lives with meaning, I am motivated to continue learning to become an even more effective teacher. In the meantime, stay tuned for future classes along the lines of the Atelier; classes that challenge our personal way of seeing and capturing the world.
I have always thought of vocation in a narrow sense as a career or an identity. I thought initially there was vocation and avocation; but in my life, they have always been inseparable and entwined. Photography as a means of expression has always been both for me through a means of income and an all-consuming driving force. Vocation, I have found, is linked to passion. Going forward, this is my identity.
The extension of this experience and energy is in teaching as a way of giving back and as a calling. Teaching allows my own personal artistic exploration which is then internalized and shared.
All great teachers communicate their innermost passion. In learning a new concept, reading an intriguing article, or hearing a thought-provoking interview, I think of ways I can incorporate it in my own work, and share it through lessons and examples with my students. For example, in looking at consistencies in our photographs, what themes and symbols, emotions and moods appear as a thread in our images? Portals and passages, layers and isolation, that which is forgotten, black and white visualization (which looks for the essence) have always existed in my vision. This is an extension of who I am. As we grow as artists the message becomes more refined in the search for authenticity and the universal connection to viewers.
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To this end I have created the framework for a private Atelier, one for an exchange of ideas, continued learning and exploration of one’s growth through photography. A step into the unknown through the expression of visual metaphor.
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We never arrive, we will always be learning. It is a great joy for me to give of my vocation in order to create a spark of inspiration to others…
Thanks to Ellen Waxman for this photo of me at work!'s not work, it's play!
The tough thing about transitions, is that you know you are in the middle of them, but do not have the tools with which to see your way through.
A photo mentor once likened this struggle to push ahead in vision as a monkey trying to withdraw a banana through a small hole in a box. No matter how hard I try, I cannot force that which is not ready to happen.
When in such a state of uncertainty, the best advice I can give myself is to step back and let what comes naturally, happen...the thread is still there. Letting go of expectations is a good way to reconnect with a sense of purpose. Looking at other works of art (not limited to photography) is also a way to replenish a depleted well.
Another avenue is in reviewing past works. For example, images from a trip to Italy in January 2011 have been sitting dormant on a hard drive for over 10 years. It’s as if I’d never looked at the images once I returned home. Today, diamonds in the rough bubble to the surface; images that came from a place of subconsciousness and intuitively captured see the light of day. I find the works perhaps are not as refined as what I see now, but there is still a passion; a thread that is fresh and inspiring.
In the end, the letting go of control and expectations results in listening. Not with ears but with my heart. And as the transition runs its course, I work smarter rather than harder, the result being the creation of more authentic images.
Recently, I had the opportunity to teach a class that featured light as subject in photography. Light not as illuminator, or the properties of light, but light itself as shape. My interest was kindled through a koan ‘The Web of Light’. A koan is not solved with the conceptual mind, but it is a gateway to broadening awareness. In this case my seeing the photographic qualities of light as form instead of the subjects illuminated by the light was heightened.
I’d heard of the Web of Light once in a workshop and played with the concept before. ‘The Open Door’, from 2015 has light pouring in from the darkness in an abandoned mill space. It was the introduction to the metaphor of hope. Examples of this exploration while intuitive became more evident.
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In preparation for the recent class, I looked at the work of Fan Ho, and was mesmerized by his use of light. Light had shape, substance; it connected tonally the structure in the images and was the physical subject of many of his photographs. I began to look for light as substance. I found light in the most unusual places; in alleys, interiors with directional light from windows and doors, in nature, and in Seeing Through where, in combination with color, the subject became secondary to the light itself.
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I continued to explore this idea of the Web of Light in a recent trip to Italy. This connective tissue tied the composition of the photograph together. More importantly, light came to me once I was open to it.
I became part of the web, connecting to the scene in front of me and making my presence as photographer part of the experience. Here is the beauty of the koan, expending my awareness to that moment in time when the subject, the light and the artist all come together. As a compositional device, many great images incorporate the web of light; in a metaphoric sense, it becomes a very powerful means of expression indeed.
You can view more examples of the Web of Light here:
February 2022
A good friend and student asked me recently, how do you know when it’s the right time to take a picture? In jest, I told him that when I figured it out, I’d let him know. But it got me to thinking…
I confess, my image editing routine is a bit odd. I wait months to go through folders, a reaction to expectation, I’m sure. Recently, I’ve been building my Lightroom catalogue from 2021, looking for diamonds in the rough in anticipation for my May 2022 show at the Providence Art Club. One of the valuable tools in Lightroom is the building of collections and keywords, that clarify, when looking through mounds of files threads that are invisible when in the process of visual growth. Not subjects, but emotional trends.
Once the eye candy is gone, I look deeper, for details suggesting the presence of those gone by but also elusive gifts most notably those images that truly resonate with the experience of being there, of seeing. What started as my pandemic documentary barn project as seemed to be creatively stalling. A colleague suggested looking at the same material with different eyes. Aaron Siskind, and his graphic, textural subjects, taking the ordinary and making it extraordinary proved to be an awakening.
After the eye candy is gone there is the miracle of the universe in a grain of sand. What is a walk in the woods without paying attention to the small miracles of nature? But we must be present and open to experience this. Instead of immediately picking up the camera to the eye and letting whatever my fall in the frame, I ask myself the question, why am I taking this photograph? And, if I cannot answer, then the camera is lowered, and I seek the experience. The one that says, ‘I am’.
Many times, this photographic process is intuitive. It is these gems I am discovering…uncovering in my Lightroom catalogue. The threads we are not conscious of that linger in our creative soul, these are the images that are now rising to the surface and will be featured in that PAC show. It is said that we have all the answers we will ever need to grow in self-discovery. This ‘hidden wholeness’ is the act of living and being mindful of every moment as a gift, is the thread in the work I am finding now. So, Ted, when do I trust that the moment is right to press the shutter? There is no formula, only the feeling of wonder and connection.
I have given myself a visual challenge known as a koan. A koan is a visual riddle without an answer, designed to invoke an experience of connection with reality.
My prompt has been ‘Seeing Through’.
In my growing understanding of visual expression, there are metaphors or symbols that are present in images long before the artist becomes actively conscious of them. For instance, doors, windows and other portals have been prevalent in my work for quite some time. There are open doors, closed doors, slightly ajar ones…as well as doors and windows that frame another vista in the distance, creating a frame within a frame. In the past, the subject/object was always the structure of the portal itself. All have their distinct metaphor or symbol (a closed door has a very different message than an open one).
In more recent work, however, the portal is now more than a framing device. The viewer now steps into and across the threshold. In the photograph of the corn crib (taken months ago but recently discovered in my long-delayed editing process), the initial attraction was the structure itself, with familiar qualities such as decay, texture and entropy. The opening revealing the corn cobs has become a new story line; that of the mysterious contents the shed has been hiding; a story created around another story to give it context. Once a purposeful structure, now decaying, the exposed corn cobs, a necessary feed for the farm animals, are discovered in eternal rest. I have seen beyond the surface and created a new connection. This is the answer to the koan present in the image, which gives the opportunity to purposely seek out the metaphor of looking past surface obstacles to a previously hidden truth. What was the experience of the corn cobs revealed? Seeing beyond the surface, paying attention to the whole dance in front of me…the interplay of shapes, the structure as if holding back the tide of entropy. A piece representing the whole of a heritage now laying fallow.
Once the heart recognizes the connection, it appears in many different forms.
These more recent works illustrate this mindful seeing. The use of shallow depth of field engages the eye more in the way we actually see, rendering some areas in softer focus. I continue to explore the expansion of seeing through. The mystery of what is being revealed adds an element of play to the metaphor in the work. I delight in the way the visual world is opening in front of me.
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As I continue the editing process I have assembled a gallery of images sharing the 'Seeing Through' theme. I'm totally amazed at how present this has been in my photographs through the years!
See more at
Light and Emergence
Light has intensity, direction, color and as I continue to discover, shape. In recent explorations, I have become more aware of light as form illuminating objects in the darkness.
What are the visual roots of this journey?
Below, an "Arrow", seen on a photo walk in Boston is not an arrow at all, but light in the form of one. In the "Inner Light, Fort Adams" the light entering from the left side of the image is a shape all its own, that illuminates the darkness of the tunnel.
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This path of visualizing recently blossomed into conscious awareness of seeing light and vibration almost everywhere. These intuitively have always existed but have been heretofore unrecognized as potential subjects. I am inspired to see this mostly in interiors, lit by direct window light or from a source out of the line of sight.
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This last grouping of images continues the progression of light intuitively as subject. Underexposure – saving the detail in the highlights & creating mystery in the shadows is a technique I have found to be most ‘illuminating’. I have also incorporated High Dynamic Range (blending of three exposures, one stop of light apart) into my field toolbox.
The random nature of fleeting dancing patterns of light has brought a new playfulness and inspiration to my photography
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This metaphor of the light within me has been lingering, waiting for the right moment to emerge. This emergence is spiritual; seeing light in the darkness and coming out of the darkness.
Cindy Horovitz Wilson
September 2021
It is with great excitement that I look forward to this weekend and the 59th annual Wickford Art Festival. With last year’s pandemic hiatus and a year of re-evaluation, my festival expectations have shifted. I look forward to showing work created in 2020-21. This reflects the recent evolution of my creative growth. A year without international travel workshops made my forays closer to home. I have written about the vanishing barns, a project that started as a documentary series and morphed into a vehicle for honing my own vision. The surprise has been in taking this aesthetic, of elegant imperfection, out of the farm and into other local subjects.
The weathering of wood, the rusting of metal, the aged and textured bark of a tree are all of the same aesthetic. They speak of timelessness, impermanence and the beauty of imperfection.
Featured in this festival exhibition are many images in black and white.
In teaching black and white photography classes at local art associations (and black and white photograph workshops on Block Island), the research has impacted my photography. The stripping away of color, attention to light, shadow, form and story continue to be an important element in my images.
Another current thread on display is a result of patience and introspection. In practicing a more contemplative approach, the approach is more intimate and authentic. Teaching students to slow down and recognize a more intuitive response to subjects, has caused me to be more aware of the world around me. This less judgmental visioning often includes subjects that are not part of my usual repertoire.
The art festival gives me the opportunity to talk about these exciting new ways of seeing, with plenty of examples with which to refer. I can only gauge how successful I am in communicating the message of a photograph by the responses from you, the viewer. In this blog post are several of the images to be displayed.
The 2021 Wickford Art Festival, is to be held in Wilson Park, a departure from the village streets that gave it such a distinctive flavor. With more room to move about the booths in response to safety concerns, I am eager to showcase my work for two days, talk up a storm and immerse into the excitement that is the Wickford Art Festival.
Stop by booth # 203 to say ‘hi’. I’m looking forward to seeing you!
This is an example of how personal projects can transform vision and create visual growth. ‘The Small Vanishing Rhode Island Farm’ project has been ongoing for over a year. My studies began with a documentary approach, photographing barns and other vernacular wooden outbuildings. While focusing on texture, light and detail, I followed the thread of metaphor; timelessness, nostalgia and entropy. Little by little, I have been drawn closer to my subjects, seeing them in a much more intimate way. The framing is tighter, the essence of the subject is clearer. Black and white carries the feeling of nostalgia and being removed from the present, yet in some images it is the better choice.
My connection with these subjects has become more spiritual. I wait for the character of the subject to reveal itself before moving ahead. These subjects and details imbue the present with a sense of something beyond the image. Techniques like sketching and writing on scene have been especially helpful, slowing my process down and creating more awareness.
In my experiences photographing, I have heard from some farm owners that they bought the house because of the barn; or in other cases, the property has been in the family for generations. Background information and stories connect the past to the present.
In this latest image (found on my Instagram page the window of a historic wooden farmhouse is framed with a branch of Wisteria in full bloom. I was immediately drawn to frame this small vignette carefully composed to include only what was essential to the feeling of the photograph. As always, texture is an important element in what I am attracted to seeing. Wisteria’s wildness and verdant nature, beautiful yet highly invasive growth, symbolically feels more alive than the aging shingles and peeling paint of the sills. Anthropomorphic qualities add to the story told; the curtain looks out, the leaves look into through the glass. The interior life of the house is hinted at through the curtain behind panes of glass, holding the secrets of many generations. The restful quality I experienced while composing this image recreates the authenticity I felt in its presence. I have always felt this curiosity about what has been left behind, stories contained with beauty in imperfection, written by the passage of time.
April 2021
I recently presented to my students the concept of
vision and style. In introducing the topic, I dove into my own body of
work. In my journey as a teacher and artist during the past year there has
been a growth and refinement. Stopping now to think about this, the
vision is consistent but perhaps clearer. I have always been interested in
the forgotten, what has been left behind with all of its stories, functions
and importance. In this, I find my own metaphor of beauty. This thread
has been constant since I first started as a student of photography many
years ago. What has noticeably evolved is my style of presentation, my
visual language. In creating lessons, I am looking more to the essence of
the subject, rather than a grand description. I’m moving closer to my
subject, including elements such as line and metaphor to suggest what is
outside of the photograph. Working in black and white has stripped the
distraction of color but also strengthened the arrangement of pictorial
elements and attention to detail. These stylistic concerns have elevated
artistic quality.
But the most important growth I have experienced is being more aware of
what it is I am trying to convey in the image, my message, my vision. This
is at the heart of all expressive photography; knowing the emotions that
compel you to make the photograph. The subject is of paramount
importance, but it is the ‘why’ of making the image that communicates
personal meaning. This is the reason we continue to make photographs.
This is the lesson I am trying to pass on to my students and makes me
understand how much of a student I still am.
Baking in the sun, drowning in the rain, buried for so long under the weight of the abandoned concrete, tufts of life emerge from the cracks, slowly retaking their ground.
This image was taken on the grounds of an old amusement park. When I first approached this scene, I responded to the sea of graphic concrete slabs crisscrossing in perfectly straight lines running down to the bay. However, there was no focal point, no intimate connection. The experience begged representation; I came back to it time and time again. Finally, I saw the connection was in isolating a piece suggesting the whole. Lying on my belly focusing only two feet in front of me with a very shallow depth of field the emerging life became alive. The image was now not so much about the abandoned slabs of disintegrating concrete as it was in the tufts of life, surviving as a hidden network under a paved world.
Connecting the moment experienced to a photograph often doesn’t happen right away. The graphic remnants of concrete decking surrounding a public pool, first captured my interest. Upon closer contemplation the lines between the slabs, bursting with life, became my metaphor for abandonment and entropy. As for the cement, questions remain. The ghosts steps of barefoot children screaming in delight, are alive in my imagination and linger as vibrations traveling somewhere in the earth.
We are attuned to human gesture; hand, posture and facial expression are forms of communication. However, inanimate subjects are also imbued with inherent gesture in their lines, shapes and visual reference to known associations. Beginning to recognize gesture in everyday objects and scenes can elevate the insight in our photographs. This was the topic of a recent class, the intention of recognizing and capturing gesture in our images.
Below, consider these three examples, having literal and abstract gesture.
The shape of the road curves brings us to a place beyond, conveying our journey with emotional lightness and anticipation. In this flow, there is little resistance; even the clouds mirror the expressive grace.
I find trees to be very expressive in gesture. In this image initially, I was drawn to the overwhelming presence of nature in the form of the sky, towering over and with great power overwhelming the tree. Looking more closely at the character of the tree, 'The Little Tree', her arms spread wide, is in the process of addressing an unseen character below.
The flannel shirt below has a gesture more recognizable as human in its shape. But the feeling of the image and gesture are very different, perhaps more sinister. The gesture of the
sleeve is caught frozen on the wire, the torso twisted in such a way to imply captivity.
In just three samples, the gesture of the subject in the image conveys meaning that is much deeper than the composition itself. Being aware of such inherent characteristics can expand our visual tool chest and lead to more meaningful images. In studying gesture, I am able to imbue my subjects with emotion and personality.
White Birches in Concrete
During a socially distanced outdoor class I taught last August, I was drawn to capture a
subject without knowing quite why. Late one afternoon, after a couple of months had
lapsed, I was at my computer, preparing to introduce Aaron Siskind’s abstraction works to
my students. With Zoom, I try to include many of my images as illustrations. While editing
images in this particular folder, I felt the joy of being while immersed in creativity. This
image would not let me go...something about the texture, the marks but also the
suggestion that what I was looking at had qualities that extended beyond the edges of the
picture, something that the great Minor White would attribute to 'what else is it'...This
image when taken out of context is something quite different from its reality. The vertical
marks separated by a horizontal line reminded me of a stand of white birch trees reflecting
on a lake. By removing the color, the graphic qualities are more enhanced, and the literal
drips of paint become a gesture for a very different scene.
Being able to see this kind of abstraction is something I've been moving towards in both my
personal work and in my instruction. It has nothing really to do with photography on a
technical level other than having a fast enough shutter speed to hold the camera steady. It
is more about being patient enough to allow the image to come to me, even if I am not sure
why. It is about getting closer to my subject and connecting on a very intuitive level. The
inherent beauty in a very mundane subject is a very consistent metaphor in Siskind’s work
and I felt that by studying the master, I was able to tune into abstraction in a new way. This
refinement in vision is a path I feel very excited about pursuing.
Eternal Vigil
With all of my recent experiences in teaching photography beyond the fundamentals, I thought it would be helpful to look at some of my recent images and discuss some of the decisions made in their creation. Decisions are made in the capture of every image, some aesthetic, some technical and some emotional/metaphoric.
'Eternal Vigil' taken in a Richmond stable in April 2020 appeals to me as having anthropomorphic, empathetic and storytelling qualities. It seems like a little techno creature forever watching and waiting. Without a function, minus a light bulb, its purpose is in question. Yet, a dignity remains, representative of its of its useful past.
The 'head' shining with reflection stands out against the darker background, creating tonal separation. The low camera angle and vertical orientation add to the elevation and power of the subject. The fixture seems to be a witness watching over the world from its perch above the horizontal planking of the stall. Its head is placed within a square metal cell created by the fencing, allowing it to see through to the other side.
The camera settings required were in part due to the dark quarters and lack of tripod. I used a high ISO of 3200 to achieve a shutter speed of 1/60, guaranteeing sharpness. The shallow depth of field accomplishes two things; allowing more light through the lens and isolating the subject from the background.
Finally, the decision to abstract the image in Black and White in post processing separates it from reality and enhances the eternal timeless nature of the vigil.
This is my vision the metaphor, of paying homage to the remaining relics representative of a storied past. It is the 'why' of my deepest connections with subjects.
Seeing in Metaphor
At the risk of sounding repetitive (as my students will most surely attest…) one of the most
significant journeys of the past few months has been the importance of metaphor…in the
feelings, subject and symbolism inherent in our photographs.
I have become more aware of metaphor and my emotions inherent in my work of
late; I attribute this to the expansive experiences teaching the subject this summer and the
recently concluded Block Island in Black and White Photography Workshops. In the thread of
my creative work, I have wondered why some subjects appeal to me more than others in
various times in my life.
Lately, it is the vanishing rural wooden architecture in our countryside. Barns, chicken
coops, sheds and their accompanying foundations, stone walls, rutted dirt roads and ancient
trees in my eyes all have presence and personality. The documentarian in me photographs
to preserve; the artist in me makes a personal relationship to the same with a more intimate
connection. There is the emergence of the abstract; a cloth caught on a nail, a bit
of rusted hardware forming the features of a face. This is playful for me; I attribute this
growth to trusting in the process, with a more practiced eye, going with the flow;
not attempting to make connections that do not exist.
Whether intentional or
subliminal, our photographs are reflective of our emotions and present life conditions. Many
times, the inference will be beyond our understanding; changes show up in our dreams and
creative endeavors long before they become apparent to our conscious thinking. Yet, there is
a constant presence that is interwoven in all of the subjects I embrace. I recognize this as an
achievement; a threshold crossed, to know that although I am intrigued with many subjects
and genres, it is the inner me that sees.
Metaphor and the exploration of feelings is an infinite well of creativity. I applaud my
students’ embracing a new visual and emotional language.
Our journey continues,
I have been teaching photography on the community level for many years. I have learned that in sharing foundation level skills and understanding, I am reminded of how much about photography I have relegated to the back burner, getting into a rut & becoming complacent. In awakening to the potential of the creative aspects of technique in photography, my appreciation and vision grow for the medium. Sharing my knowledge and experience reminds me of the many different ways of seeing, inspires others and in turn, inspires me!
I’ve been on both sides this summer, studying with photographers and teaching my own students. It’s like something huge “clicked”. Teaching became really personal to me. Instead of being didactic, I allowed my lessons to be flexible. If I didn’t cover all the material…well there was always the next class. The classes were not so much about my lesson plans as the students experiences. I created for class topics that I was exploring, thereby challenging my own process. Teaching online and the preparation involved also has a silver lining for the students - online critique. Joint critique is where the focus is on helping each other. For example, often we attach importance to images that are not successful, but there is an emotional connection that clouds our objectivity. Students presenting work have a captive audience. The other students critiquing their colleague’s work do so in a very supportive manner. This sharing of images also teaches ways of seeing another’s story and point of view. How gratifying it was to witness this.
A photo community is created on the basis of this mutual interest and trust.
Once the class sessions ended, there was the desire of the students to continue to share works online and to meet bimonthly. In a class that practiced in the field together, the friendships grew both nurturing and deep. Plans to continue shooting together in the future were made. Again, the community bonded. My perspective was one of gratification in the building of lasting relationships through photography.
It is my experience we can never get enough feedback nor do we do grow in a vacuum. Photography is a perfect medium in terms of expression and growth. It offers people to raise a voice previously unheard. One student, upon having her first ever image accepted into a show remarked: “I never thought of myself as an ‘artist’, but I am rethinking how I think of myself and my love of photos. Thank you!”
There are many organizations that offer the opportunity to share in a photographic community. One such is Wickford Art Association’s photo arts group, meeting bi-monthly – sharing images through the great platform of Zoom (I will be the first moderator!) and continuing their outdoor shooting as long as the weather holds. Other local organizations are the Newport Photo Guild, South County Art Association’s photo group, and the Photographic Society of RI. All of these group offer the camaraderie of those sharing in the same passion and the opportunity to learn.
So, go out and shoot with a friend, or a group of friends. Learn new things and have fun in the process. The connecting of like-minded people is a beautiful thing to be a part of and to witness. My experiences this summer have been about learning alongside my students. This sharing of vision through my love of teaching has opened new doors in my own artistic journey. As I continue my own growth of vision and connectedness, my intention is to offer the lessons I am learning in future class and workshop settings.
For some time, I have been able to work my way around a camera no matter the make or model. This is a result of the first digital photography class taught at the Wickford Art Association back in 2008. Twelve students, twelve different cameras. Trying to teach exposure, focus and composition all in one day with many differing levels of experience made me feel like a camera salesman, not a teacher.
Fast forward…I’ve come a long way since then. Through seminars, experience and practice, I have honed my skill not only as a photographer, but as a photography instructor. As I created classes, I rediscovered the skills I had taken for granted, and found new applications for both the technical and compositional.
In the past year, I have wanted to offer more than basic and intermediate camera skills. To this end, I proposed more creative topics for classes, deepening my expressive understanding, and creating exercises for my students to explore in their own work. The Covid pandemic altered education models across the board, from public schools to community art associations. Zoom became the platform of choice. This enabled not only a verbal lecture explaining concepts, but also a visual presentation. In reality, each class required organization beyond the spontaneity of the physical classroom. The lectures were prepared and organized on a more immersive level. I found myself not only mining the images but spending hours in the field creating new examples to illustrate concepts. In experimenting more deeply with the craft of photography, I am teaching the same core concepts but more comprehensively in their application. My craft is merging with my vision.
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Student work form July's 'Zooming Down the Road'
In sharing this wealth of new information, I am inspired by the images and enthusiasm produced by my students. This has resulted in a profound impact on my own work. The give and take in the online classroom expands the material in ways I have not considered before. Through the exploration of metaphor, simplicity and the understanding of expressive work as self portrait, I have felt an authenticity in my images as never before.
I have also benefitted from taking a project photography class with Laurie Klein. In an intensive three-week course, I explored my fascination with traditional farm architecture with the camera, inspired writing and critique. I was encouraged to return to the same sites again and again, resulting in deeper seeing and connection through emotion and metaphor. I learned that in printing images, being able to shuffle and sequence physical prints, creates consistencies not necessarily visible in the folders we keep on our computers.
The portfolio created is visible on my website.
We are always learning as long as we are open to possibilities. In this little corner of the globe, I am planting seeds in my students for not only further skill development, but also nurturing the self-expressive outlet of creativity. This gratification, the joy of passing skills with enthusiasm and experiences, fuels my desire to expand my knowledge so as to be able to offer more in the future.
June 2020
The continued isolation because of Covid-19 has fostered for me a journey inward. Along with an ongoing class ‘Metaphor in Photography’ that I offer through the Wickford Art Association, I have cycled back in subject matter to the world of Wabi-Sabi and the visual preserving of the soon to be gone. Key triggers are rusted metal, textured wood, leaning outbuildings and interiors full of other worldly presence.
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I see the beauty in a broken shed. Even with the timeless pull of gravity causing sagging roof lines and leaning, I see the dignity of structure. The beauty exists in line, texture shape and unique characteristics that create a personality. These structures are unique, functional and ordinary, yet each one has a story. Built of wood, block or stone, there is an ingenuity of materials and repurposing. They have stored tractors, hay, tools, cars, then perhaps in a second cycle, flowerpots, empty boxes, golf clubs and broken wicker chairs. These things that are stored inside and forgotten, rarely to be thought about again. Often, I am fortunate enough to gain access to the interior spaces. These can be littered with relics long past functional use, intimately lit with soft ambient light. Rusted tools hang from nails on the wall, old newspaper fills the cracks in the walls, vines curl along dirt encrusted windows. In some cases the spaces are empty, and shafts of daylight illuminate only the worn wooden floorboards.
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Metaphor is in all work even if you are not aware. In looking deeper, my feeling of vulnerability rises to the surface. Such is the lifecycle of the outbuildings and spaces I explore today. In the weathered, tattered shingles there are worlds of stories and emotion. Who built it? What was its intended use? How old is it? These structures are created for practical purposes, used and then when obsolete, abandoned with all of their possessions intact.
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Our stories, like the empty boxes in the shed will disappear when we do. In photographing these subjects, I imbue them with the dignity of memory and a sense of presence.
The imposed quarantine during the height of the Covid-19 epidemic has been a centering opportunity for me. Within my subject matter - the vulnerability of what humans create for useful purposes - I see a metaphor of an emerging rebirth. With shoots of spring vine and lichen the earth reclaims these abandoned constructs, these things people have built, whether sheds or huge textile mill complexes. The resulting decay feeds them back into the earth, leaving a footprint for those curious enough to explore.
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More images of the Journey Inward can be found here
The lessons are complete, the information dispersed and the overwhelming reviews for
Less is More are in…a total success (see below)!
Originally, the class was to be taught in a conventional classroom complete with a field trip with
lesson prompts. The Covid-19 pandemic forced us inside, isolated and online
through the Zoom platform.
I cannot begin to say how much the research and preparation for this class has propelled my
current approach to photography. We all have the tendency to include more than is
necessary to get your point across. This is distracting and can create confusion.
The purpose of the class was to identify the subject, and through technical and
creative controls, include only the essential. This journey to seeing the whole
in a microcosm of a scene has been inspiring and motivating for me. In this time of social
isolation, the area close to where I live has produced a treasure of potential exploration
and image possibilities.
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Cindy Horovitz Wilson Images from Less is More
I can say the same for my students, examples of whose work follows. Whether finding
inspiration in their kitchens or backyards, I am proud of their growth in grasping the
concepts of minimalism and essence in two short weeks. The elements of line, texture, color,
space and storytelling are evident in the thoughtful compositions in response to the
assignments. The bridge to making a photo instead of taking one has been crossed.
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Student images for 'Less is More'
Keep your eyes open for another round of ‘Less is More’, and other online classes coming to an art association near you, soon.
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Student images for 'Less is More'
Reviews and Testimonials
What a great class! I hope you'll continue to teach this way if we're social distancing for the long haul. Your assignments are so creative!
So very much to ponder and learn.
I want to say how much I enjoyed this class. It’s opened my eyes to seeing photos in a different manner. It also explained why I like taking
certain photos. Thanks for all you did this time. You have gone above and beyond what was expected bringing the class online.
Thank you for helping me understand why it is that there are some photos I want to look at for a long time, over time, and others not so
much. Maybe it's because seeing the "essence" is what draws the emotional/intellectual/aesthetic connection between the viewer and the
This class has changed my thinking about seeing in a major way. Now to execute it! 😨
Thank you so much!
Cindy, I always leave your class knowing one more time what a gift you have in transferring your passion and talent to those you teach.
It is such a gift!
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Student images for 'Less is More'
I have completed teaching a class for the South County Art Association called 'Snapshots to Great Shots'. Originally, the curriculum was conceived to expand technical knowledge and craftsmanship, so that images could be more technically refined. However, what if the vision also needed to be honed? After all, we must know what the subject of the image is, and how we feel about the subject in order to capture the essence. So, the class morphed into developing awareness and patience.
As I teach - I learn, and this class has been a great vehicle for my own explorations.
In taking more time to consider our process in the field, I can only speak from my own experience. Going out with great expectations of the images to be made can be a trap. After the original capture, what do we do? It is so easy to miss the obvious connection, the quiet & mundane, or the what is behind me. Fortunately, as I stood on Monhegan Island, a rock in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, surrounded by stars this was not the case. The night was dark and moonless, the Milky Way bright and centered. And after capturing the Milky Way, what more could be done? It was in the act of looking for more possibilities, by turning around that “Night Light” was captured.
Sometimes, we miss the essence because there's not enough time to thoroughly ‘vet’ the possibilities. Perhaps it was hidden in the darkness. Or, the expected image loomed so large that it was a ‘one and done’, without taking the opportunity to explore different points of view, orientation, or waiting for the light to change. Often, the inclination to include more in the frame than is necessary is a result of not taking the time to truly identify the thing that draws one to the subject in the first place. I have made all of these mistakes.
In taking time and being patient for the subject to reveal itself, many options can be practiced; experimenting with different shutter speeds, depths of field, orientation and camera to subject distance are all avenues of visual exploration.
There are those scenes that can be mined over and over again, given adequate time. Hopefully, we can put aside our agendas and create meaningful images.
The object is production of quality images rather than quantities of snapshots.
Taking time to truly identify what draws you to the scene in the first place may illuminate details initially undiscovered.
The goal is to find that place of authenticity, the well of my unique truth. This is where my growth is happening. I continue to learn as I by lead my students down this path.
This means developing the practice being aware of that which I have not considered, though it may be right in front of me. It is in living the experience of making the photograph, with this excitement, that I move forward on my creative journey.
Block Island in Black and White
Photography Workshop
I have realized that in teaching classes and workshops I have made great strides in my own work...'teach it 'til you know it' I recently heard said. And so, with the most recent Block Island in Black and White Photography Workshop, I have begun to explore the elusive contemplative photography and using visual concepts like metaphor. With the introduction of poetry (my heartfelt thanks to Lisa Sprague) as inspiration before our practice in the field, understanding of the role of visual symbol and mood took hold for the participants.
Some of the lessons related to technical aspects of digital photography such as exposure, bracketing and the use of long shutter speed for water movement. There were opportunities for interior photography without the use of tripod, exploration of light and shadow and movement towards simplicity. The inclusion of discussion with poetry readings, discussion of individual use of metaphor...fences, lighthouses, layers and connecting to the beauty of the island really brought the group together as one concept led to another's revelation.
The exercise of stopping and becoming more aware of one's surroundings, allowed the coming forth of subject and the emotion attached. Through a more patient workflow, the images made transcended the snapshot and became expressive of more personal and intimate connection.
For four days we explored Block Island, experienced the spontaneous, and shared words and images of gratitude, reverence and creativity. I am grateful for this group of friends who came together from different backgrounds, who left their comfort zones for the purpose of learning black and white photography on this beautiful island. We became friends who shared new ways of seeing, new techniques, many laughs, epiphanies and left full, exhausted and inspired!
C-Scape, A Haven in the Dunes, Provincetown, MA
For one week, this was the view I sat with while I read, wrote, had my morning coffee and lunch. I was the recipient of one week in the Provincetown Dunes, in a wooden shack without running water, electricity, internet or indoor plumbing. My days began while it was still dark, as I looked through this window to the east, in the direction of sunrise. With my woolen hat covering my head, and a tripod on my shoulder, I would pass through this doorway into the world of the vast dunes of the Cape Cod National Seashore. Color would come over the silhouette of the grand dune as I would come to call it. I would trudge up the sand path to the top of the dunes overlooking the beach, and down I would descend...'Geronimo!'. On this, the first morning of my stay, the sky to the west turned pink and reflected on the ocean and sand. The night had been so cold, and the sea air so humid, that condensation formed on my lens, leading to a constant battle with the moisture.
Once the sun broke the horizon, I headed back up the dune path to the shack. However, the moisture was not just isolated on the beach. There was a low lying fog that sat right behind C-Scape in the gentle golden light of the early morning. This too lasted long enough to be photographed. I have always been drawn to early morning light. The feeling of being the only witness to this natural glory fuels me with inspiration and enthusiasm.
In the dunes of Provincetown, I kept my eye always to the sky. This particular morning, the clouds kept morphing into different patterns. Later on, as I sat on the deck in one of two Adirondack chairs, the sky turned into an inverted horn of plenty, with the windswept swirl in the sky and seeming cotton balls at the end of each tendril.
For seven days, this was my entertainment, muse and focus. Once I had been 'delivered' I was by myself in the middle of the vast landscape of dunes and sky. Once the first misgivings of what would I do for an entire week...gave way to the freedom to read, photograph, draw and contemplate, I thrived in the isolation. I listened to the wind, the surf and the occasional mouse scratch. My goal was to slow down and develop a sense of stillness in which to grow. Ultimately this experience, once familiar, will allow me to teach others this more spiritual way of creating.
There will be additional musings and images to follow, with different themes and lessons learned.
]]>Cuba through an American Lens
The 2018 Internacional Festival de Cine de Gibara
The opportunity to exhibit in this years film festival was first explored in 2016. Through constant knocking on doors, unanswered email and a change in the festival date to July 2018 Eileen and I were invited to show our work in Gibara. The site of the exhibition was a fully functioning cigar factory in the main plaza. We printed 58 total pieces, ordered hanging hardware through and paper tubes in which to pack the photos and hardware. On June 28th I boarded a flight to Miami, and connected to Holguin the next day. I was met at the airport by artists and friends of the festival and whisked away to Gibara.
The following morning, eight volunteers showed helped assemble the pieces, layout and hang the exhibition. It was hot, sweaty work but already the community atmosphere was pervasive...I have new Cuban friends! Friends who worked tirelessly to make every exhibition an artistic and professional success. Check out this video of the hanging process and installation.
The days were full of helping other artists hang their work, and watching the town clean up, paint and prepare for the onslaught of festival goers. From a sleepy coastal village, the town began to swell. With the arrival of Jorge Perrugoria and his entourage the celebration began!
On Sunday, July 1, the festival officially began with a parade that overflowed the banks of Independecia, the street that runs from the top of Gibara's hill to the Parque Calixto Garcia. We became the parade, walking, photographing and waving to the throngs that lined the sidewalks. The festival offered a full schedule of film screenings, art openings, concerts, panel discussions and festivities about town.
Our opening reception was the following night. Joining us were artists, dignitaries, our 'subjects' and townspeople. All through the evening the cigar production never faltered. Such an honor it was to share the lives of Cuban people through our photographs.
People were genuinely grateful for our authentic portrayal and sought us out for compliments. Even with a language barrier it was clear we had touched their souls, and they had touched ours.
I will return with a group to Gibara in January 2019. It will be a sense of homecoming and rekindling of relationships; the chef who has promised to make a special meal, those who have requested medicines and goods unavailable to them, and my amigos with whom i have developed a special bond. The 2018 Internacional Festival de Cine de Gibara will be, I hope the beginning of many such opportunities to bring my vision to Cuba.
Provincetown Reveals at Sunrise
At 4:45 AM we rolled into town, cameras, tripods and optimism for the sunrise, which occurs today at low tide. On the horizon, wispy clouds of orange and coral formed over the land, reflected in the wet mud flats. Boats lay aground at oblique angles. Fingers of water channel the escaping tide are scored the mud, producing a lacework of fingers leading to the water. Sounds of the cool, damp breeze, & low growling diesel engines of fishing boats were interspersed by the sounds of crunching oyster shells as we walked on the sand.
Low Tide, Provincetown
Provincetown revealed her sandy foundations to us in the form of mud flats exposed to the low tide. The shifting sands reveal ribs of tidal mud and the skeletal rivulets of the receding tide. As the sun rose over the low bank of clouds, the waterfront of the town to the west was illuminated in golden hues. It created three dimensional textures of barnacles on rocks and rotting pilings. Pieces of history; broken of dock pilings, rusted metal bracings and pieces of driftwood.
As a photographer, my favorite time of day is sunrise as the world illuminates with the promise of a new day. As a teacher, to share the best light with my students with the newness of subject and vision is one of my great joys. Elements of light, water and land came together on this the day of the new moon. Our photography workshop includes two more opportunities to capture first light, and together with my seven compadres, we hope for additional spectacular experiences here in Provincetown.
Through our travels to Cuba, establishing relationships with Cubans who are like family, and amassing a huge archive of images, Eileen McCarney Muldoon and I have been invited to present an exhibition of our Cuba photographs during the much lauded Festival Internacional de Cine, Gibara in July 2018. This is a great honor indeed! Despite the difficult navigation fo rules and regulations in place because of the trade embargo, specifically getting the work to Cuba, the greatest challenge has been deciding which images to present. Images of people; Cubans who are proud of their heritage of craft, images that show their spirit and resiliency, and their environments lit by the intense Caribbean sun, all these photographs make the selection process difficult indeed.
The festival lasts for a week; it features music & films from all over the world and for the first time, an American exhibition of still photographs. The theme of 'Cuba through an American Lens' is an intangible one; though the Cubans of our images have little in the way of material goods, their lives are full of family, sharing and that rich special element of time...Cubans don't seem to be in a hurry. During a morning walk we might be invited to sit on a stoop feeling the sun warm up the world. Or, the invitation for a cafe` might be extended through the doorway of a local bar. One lingers during these encounters, feeling a sharing and an acceptance. This is so uniquely Cuban!
For the next month, I will share some of the images that will be shown through Instagram (@chwphoto) and Facebook (cindywilsonphoto). I hope you will join me on this amazing, once in a lifetime journey to The festival Internacional de Film Gibara through these blog postings.
It is almost a week since the Contemplative Landscape workshop in Death Valley with Lydia Goetz and George deWolf. It was an incredible experience artistically; we were encouraged to explore our awareness of place and self through mindfulness training.
At times I felt like the new tools I was given were getting in the way of the visual experience, after all, I was in Death Valley, a place of remarkable beauty contrasted with endless desolation. I had to learn to let go of the search for the postcard. In reflecting back through the images, I see the beginnings of a heightened clarity of vision, and the intuitive sense of what can be possible.
I continue to upload images from the 2018 Cuba photography tour to my website. These and other travel and fine art images can be viewed at
Our 2018 tour group will be presenting 'Images and Reflections from our Cuba Experience' on April 23, 2018 at the Wickford Art Association at 7 PM. There will be a slide show followed by a panel discussion. Free and open to the public.
Image of George courtesy of Denise Bass.
Photo courtesy of Betty Anderson
Provincetown, Finding the Light
June 12-15, 2018
Join David Pinkham & Cindy Wilson for four immersive days dedicated to the art of seeing, in Provincetown, Mass. What better place to cultivate an appreciation for light! We will explore the town; it's street life and architecture by day and night, it's beaches, ponds and sand dunes with light from dawn to dusk , all the while learning new techniques and ways of seeing. Daily group critique, slide shows and exchange of ideas will expose different ways that others see the same image, but capture it differently.
This workshop is designed for all levels of experience!
Dates: June 12-15, 2018
Tuition: $875
Information and itinerary are available here
To register, please contact:
Cindy Wilson: [email protected]
David Pinkham: [email protected]
Photo by Yang- Vuong Lien Duong
Vietnam: the Far North
September 21- October 5, 2018
The far north of Vietnam defies description! There are awe inspiring vistas, forbidding mountains, lush green valleys, ribbons of terraced rice following the contours of gentle hills, and authentic villages. Travel with Cindy Wilson and local photographer/guide Yang Vuong-Lien-Duong of Indochina Charm Travel to the remote northern reaches of Vietnam. This photography workshop will feature incredible natural landscape photography opportunities; visits to villages of the highland peoples, witnessing and photographing their daily lives. At the end of the day, there will be the sharing of images and discussion about our experiences.
for itinerary and more details, please visit
Dates: September 21-October 5, 2018
Tuition: $3495
Maximum group size: 8 Minimum: 4
Now accepting deposits of $1000 to secure your seat on this immersive experience to the far north of Vietnam.
Contact Cindy for details
Sun Rays, Neist Point
Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye
Scotland: The Western Highlands, Skye and the Hebrides
September 9-19, 2019
Cindy Wilson and David Pinkham are now accepting deposits for our September 2019 photography workshop in Scotland. Our group will explore the western Highlands, Hebrides and Edinburgh. Hotels in Scotland fill up quickly, and reservations for even a small group as ours need to be made well in advance to ensure availability.
To reserve your spot, a deposit of $500 will be accepted now.
Please contact either
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Current Exhibitions
19 on Paper at the Francesca Anderson Gallery
February 15 - March 31, 2018
You are invited to the opening reception:
Saturday February 17 3-5 PM
56 Adams Street, Lexington, MA
Upcoming Classes
Introduction to Photoshop Elements
South County Art Association
March 20, 27, April 3, 17 & 24, 2018
4-6 PM
Image courtesy of Sue Brown Black
From Camera to Computer
Block Island
April 20 & 21, 2018
Swirling Clouds, Rialto Beach
The Next Step in Digital Photography
Now that you are familiar with the basic controls on your digital camera, it’s time to take the Next Step! This course will take you deeper into the choices that make your photographs more closely reflect how you see your subject. Learn more about creative exposure, raw capture & post processing, lens selection and composition. There will be classroom lessons, assignments and a field trip for practical experience.
Tuesday May 8, 15, 22, & 29, & June 5, 2014
4 - 6 PM
Wickford Art Association
36 Beach Street, Wickford
I am currently enrolling private lessons and individual mentoring sessions. Please contact me if you are interested.
Mobile from Mobile
I have photographs of the lovely parks, modern architecture and the icons of what today’s Mobile is so proud of. Why then am I attracted to the backstory; the images of Mobile’s roots and history? There are many clues to what Mobile has lost due to urban renewal and gentrification, yet details exist. What are the foundations of culture that have been forgotten, yet have left ghosts for us to see? For three days I have walked the streets of the city looking for clues to what has been lost. Here are a few examples:
Above, the entryway floor emblem of the Three Sisters Clothing Store, today has office space for lease. There is the original Woolworth, Neisner’s, Thom McAnn...and a pentimento of the Seafarer’s Hall. The relief lettering on a condo complex was once a convent.
It is with this connection I have enjoyed my time in this city. Visiting the Marcia Gras Museum and taking a trolley tour has helped me to understand Mobile pride in custom; silently slowly walking the streets has given me clues to the history, while providing an immersive milieu for studying the graphic qualities of light and detail.
The Images Speak for Themselves
I am grateful to a good friend who showed me a portfolio of her work recently. What struck me most was the consistency of her vision and the intimacy with her subject matter. I thought of my own work, of 'soul images', ones that presented themselves to me because I was open to their message. What was it about these images that stood out as a consistent thread in my work? The simplicity, the framing, the camera to subject distance and setting all contribute to a way of seeing, one that is not a just a documentation.
I love old stuff, traditional ways and mystery. Anyone who knows me will vouch for this...the rustier the better! I have often asked myself why? I think it has to do with a perceived vulnerability; what was once important and valued is now cast aside. Who will tell their story if not me? I am moved to photograph by a sense of timelessness, spirituality and presence; cast aside they are now in eternal waiting. Before they are forgotten completely, a moment is shared with the viewer. I am moved by the recognition of value for their once important role, small as it might be; for the sense of timelessness, and for their story. These subjects have a spirituality and presence; cast aside they are now in eternal waiting. Before they are forgotten completely, a moment is shared with the viewer through the camera.
I am drawn to the sense of simplicity and purpose of everyday objects. In the case of both the 'Copper Kettle' and 'Three Amigos', there was something that made me look twice, a presence, a calling out; I had to make the image. The resulting are portraits of a brief moment in time, and reflect the sense of authenticity I continue to grow towards. Because of the spontaneity and intuitive nature of these images, the process is free from inner distractions. How does one shed the expectations of what constitutes a good photograph, and become aware of a world of detail and the value of a brief emotional connection? One could say by taking more pictures; but also by cultivating a sense of mindfulness and attentiveness every waking moment. Pictures of the deepest vision from the heart, images that speak for themselves, take the artist on a journey to a place of certainty we all hope to find.
My Friend on the Waterfront, Gibara
The Cuban town I have felt most welcomed and connected is Gibara. This small fishing village is a sleepy haven most of the year, save for the International Film Festival every April, when up to 100,000 film enthusiasts swell its quiet streets. I hope to be part of this event soon, but that is a topic for another day. My favorite time to wander about the town is in the early morning, as the local residents hop on their bikes to chase the smell of freshly baked bread wafting down the streets. It was right after a the sunrise light that I found myself walking along the waterfront, past one story, colorfully painted columns of a street level arcade, that I met Frank. He had lived in this apartment most of his life. Frank suffers from emphysema, and in the mornings, the chill of his rooms force him onto the doorstep, to warm his bones.
Frank holds court with his neighbors and passersby and is most welcoming to visitors. He is happy to share his story of being an award winning gymnast with the opportunity to travel to and live in Miami in the 1950's. He also had been a teacher there, and had an excellent command of the English language. After the Cuban revolution, Frank came home to Gibara to be with his parents in this very place he sat that morning. Here has been since, with a roof over his head and his friends. As with many in this town, he 'owns' his home, by virtue of continued occupation.
I visited with Frank each of the mornings we were in Gibara. We talked of my interest in Cuba, his experiences in the US and how nice it is to be in a place where you belong. Frank promised to write and I hope when I visit next year, I will find him once again on his doorstep, warming his body in the early morning light making every passerby feel kinship and a place to sit for a spell.
One of my favorite Cuba Photo Tour activities is our annual photowalk with local photographers. Walking with Leysis and Claudia in the densely packed barrios of Havana Vieja is an opportunity to see the world through their eyes, listen to their experiences and understand just a wee bit more about the resiliency of Cubans today.
Walking through an ornate doorway in the old city opens up top a world of life and improvisation. The materials and craftsmanship speak of an era of wealth and extravagance. Tall, heavy mahogany doors with custom carvings are surrounded by ornate patterned sculptural decor, leading into a large courtyard with multi level balconies. Today, these once magnificent single family palaces are divided into many apartments. The buildings themselves are victims of decay and neglect, yet their once graceful design is still evident in columns, arches and ornate iron and woodworking.
A very different life happens in the courtyards today. Life spills out from the apartments with drying laundry, running children and in the case of this visit, a working plein-air beauty salon. These women had no objection to being photographed. As a matter fact, they enjoyed the focus of five North Americans with cameras bearing gifts of eye glasses, over the counter medicines and soaps. I loved the white cap with pom-poms on the beautician that dangled and bounced when she moved her head.
One unusual item in my bag was a crochet hook. I gave this to her, thinking with her new glasses she might take up a new endeavor. But no, she pulled out a shower cap poked with holes and pantomimed how this crochet hook would now help her apply coloring to client's hair. In Cuba, this is an example of resolving; solving challenges with whatever materials are available.
Before leaving I took her photograph in the diffuse interior light. At first she was unsure of how she should pose. It was her smile and graciousness I wanted to capture and Leysis was so helpful in diverting her attention until the right moment presented itself.
As with all I photograph, I promised to return next year with a picture from our visit. I could not leave without giving and receiving a hug and kisses and the continued impression of Cubans as warm, open and friendly.
As I sit contemplating the waning days of summer, my thoughts turn to Cuban travel this winter, and how much I am looking forward to the Profundo Journeys January 2018 trip. This will be my sixth opportunity to explore this enigmatic, fascinating and warm culture. In the first journey, 2013, I wanted to capture 'Cuba before it changed'. Subsequent journeys began to reveal a deeper layer of understanding, in addition to the mystery lurking around every doorway and arched courtyard entrance, there arose the paradox of the society and culture. I think about what draws me back; photography for sure...Cuba is visually rich and layered, from the decaying colonial architecture to the robust activity in the narrow streets. The story is in the details, the way materials are repurposed for survival, the large former private homes subdivided into smaller apartments with low ceilings and maze like configurations, with vestiges of ornate marble staircases bearing evidence of the grandeur of the past.
From a photographers point of view, the light is tropical and intense, creating shadows, textures and geometric patterns. Vibrant pastel colors change from building to building and sometimes apartment to apartment. There is a sense of timelessness, but beyond these walls are the interiors. it is not out of the ordinary to be invited you into a home, even to be offered a cup of Cuban coffee, made like espresso on a single burner stove. It is sharing of intimate space that makes this culture so endearing, given the political disagreements between our governments. Cubans love Americans and are so inquisitive about our lives. Even with a language barrier, communication is possible along with smiles and hugs.
As tourism increases to Cuba, the 'real' Cuba becomes difficult to access.This change is evident in the new economy; more restaurants, private B & B's, , and empty palaces being converted into private hotels. Far from the narrow congestion of the cities, there are country roads leading to smaller villages where people live their lives traditionally, and an authenticity exists to the culture. These are the places that are inscribed in my heart; small fishing towns, towns existing as crossroads for the old sugar economy and small county seats of colonial architecture & cobblestones, where horse and buggies are more populous than cars. We travel here too, life is slower, quiet and more simple, the antithesis of the cities. Tourism has not reached these places; the traveler has stepped back in time.
If you are looking for a trip to Cuba, here is why you would want to consider the January Profundo Journeys trip.DeThere are no other tours that cover the breadth and diversity of this country. Destinations like the Isle of Pines, where the Castros were imprisoned after their trial in 1956; Gibara, a sleepy fishing village except for one week a year when it hosts the international Cine Pobre, and Remedios, unremarkable except for the two beautiful churches on its main plaza...these more remote towns are way off the well beaten path of tourism. But, what trip to Cuba would be complete without Havana, with her four historic plazas, Malecon and beautifully preserved architecture...we return here, too.
We have a wonderful professional, full time Cuban guide. When we first met Eliseo, he thought working with photographers was like 'herding cats'. In the years since, he is like a member of our family. He is extremely knowledgeable, has a wonderful sense of humor, and is a warm and caring individual. To a person, we all concur that he is a part of what has made Cuba special for us.
For those interested in making photographs that capture the experience, I am there as your teacher, mentor and cheerleader. my experience in Cuba is always lifted by watching the joy of my fellow travelers.
I want to share the Cuba I have discovered with photographers and curious travelers alike. As the tenuous nature of US travel restrictions evolve, it will become increasingly difficult for Americans to travel there legally.
Early Morning at the Hoi An Fish Market
Long before the brake of dawn, fisherman are returning to Hoi An after a night of fishing. As the sun rises, they offload their catch at the Hoi An open air fish market. To arrive now is to see the height of the activity; sorting, rinsing and weighing of fish, bartering and selling between bites of pho, strapping the day's purchases to the back of a motor scooter for private resale or to restaurants. For the photographer, there is so much to take in, it is hard to know where to focus...there is so much color, so many gestures, patterns of round bowls and hats and different varieties of freshly caught seafood. One must be careful not to step in deep puddles but avoiding the shell or fish parts underfoot is impossible. Being pushed out of the way by someone with their eye on a sale is not a rude action...this is their daily life, we are outsiders.
It is all over in an hour. By this time the heat and humidity of the day have risen and the soft light is now harsh. It is time to wash the fish market off of your shoes, and grab some richly deserved breakfast!
An Amazing Visit to Tam Giang Lagoon
Amazing is the only way to describe our adventure to a part of Vietnam few outsiders ever see...near to Hue, a hidden fishing village of stilted houses, bamboo pilings and slender longboats. Three thousand families make this village of Dam Chum their home. Families no longer live in the houses on stilts; many now lay abandoned or are used as storage. To see this from shore was nothing we could have ever imagined; to accompany a fisherman on his boat tending his nets was an experience we will never forget. Mr Loc and his family have fished this little quadrant for over 100 years. With our catch of crabs, prawn and fish safely aboard, we headed to a restaurant on stilts, with bamboo decking. Our 'snack' consisted of our fresh catch and other local seafood delicacies.
We attracted a lot of attention as we walked through the village on our way to the boat. Kids calling 'hello' presented us with high fives and flowers. Our wonder never ceases as we are treated with such hospitality and generosity. And, the photography opportunities are never ending.
A View from my Window on Halong Bay
Literally. Every time I looked it was a new variation of limestone karst formation, with caves, vegetation and geometric textures in the stone. For three days, we cruised aboard the Dragon Legend, called a 'junk', but in reality was a small cruise ship. We explored both Halong and Bai Tu Long Bays, (about a four hour drive south of Hanoi), UNESCO protected areas containing over 3,000 of these islands. Navigating past one towering karst opened up the world of infinite more stretching out to the horizon, and swallowed up the place we had come from. Vietnamese legend says a dragon dropped 3000 pearls from his mouth to create this fairy tale wonder of the world as protection against foreign invaders. Only locals could know the way through these waters...We were not confined to the ship, however. We enjoyed photographing from the decks, but also had opportunities to go ashore on to small islands for swimming, a cave visit and barbecue on the beach. There was exploration on smaller boats to floating fishing villages. The Bay is closed to group kayaking, but our cruise company was granted an exception; to paddle closely and to look up the sheer vertical facing, hear the birds and gentle water movement is surely an experience not to be forgotten.
A Bicycle Ride through the Paddies
What better way to slow down and really experience the landscape than to leisurely ride a bicycle! Such was our adventure today, from the landing at the Tay Phong pagoda, through lush green fields of rice, with scattered scarecrows and tombs of long passed ancestors, along gravel covered roads lined with wildflowers. We passed through small dusty villages with low brick laterite buildings, complete with chickens and school children on their way home for lunch, yelling "hello". We rode through farms, villages gates; past wells and 700 year old banyan trees. We shared the road with other travelers on motor scooters, trucks and other bike riders before turning onto a quiet dirt lane above the rice paddies. Here we could stop by the side of the road and absorb the vast exotic stretches of rice, corn, sugar cane and even peanut plantings. As we continued our ride, we saw and smelled duck farms for the production of eggs. Ducks do not incubate their eggs; chickens do that for them... and only lay them at night. So during the day, they are loose in the fields and in shallow ponds.
We continued riding on a dike between more paddies and a canal, finally emerging back in the village we started from. What a great experience, and we got to do it all over again after a delicious lunch in a private home owned by the same Vietnamese family for five generations. The home was in the UNESCO village of Duong Lam, home of an ancient entry gate, fishbone alleyways and countless dead ends. We also were guests of a tea house where we enjoyed a nice hot cup as a gentle ran began to fall. What an absolutely wonderful day in the life of our Profundo Journeys Vietnam photography workshop!
Morning at the Quang Ba Flower Market
Flowers are such an essential part of Vietnamese life. They are used for ancestor worship, decoration of shrines and celebrations (April seems to feature many graduation ceremonies). Flowers are grown in gardens up to 20 miles outside of the city, cut the night before the wholesale markets and transported by motor scooter into Hanoi. The April season features Easter lilies, and with our 5:30 departure from the hotel, we were able to see the Market in full swing with roses, lilies and flowers of all colors, fresh and fragrant. Once at the Market, the flowers are bought by vendors, tied to bicycles and motor scooters, and brought into shops, curbside stands and sold to the public for a tidy profit. This photo shows one such vendor, cargo safely strapped to the scooter, on her way to resell. It is absolutely amazing how many flowers can be piled onto such a small means of transportation. And they do this seven days a week, 52 weeks a year.
Our hardy group of photographers forewent coffee to pan and otherwise capture the activity and feel of this marketplace. Thanks to Susan Brown Black for this image as yours truly has lost her iPhone and all the pictures on it. Don't despair...I will look totally tourist using my iPad for the rest of our workshop!
]]>Small Business on the Streets of Hanoi
Walking along the narrow, congested streets of Hanoi, one finds simple ways of commerce. In this photo, a local locksmith has set up his wares on a street corner, waiting patiently off camera for the next customer. His tools include a clamp and files, and many blank keys, all ready for a quick sale and departure at the end of the day.
In this non touristed area of the city, the blocks are seemingly grouped by like-merchants. There were series of stores selling plastic chairs, artificial flowers, lamps, bicycles and helmets. It seems like every available building frontage had one commercial purpose or another...cafes, seamstresses and many generations of residents are their proprietors. Add to this the incessant beeping of motor scooter horns, the sidewalks crowded with motorcycles and broken pavement, the smells of various cooking and you have all the ingredients to fill five senses.
An Afternoon in Hanoi's French Quarter
Profundo Journeys Vietnam 2017
Having arrived in Hanoi after many hours of air travel, sleep was definitely out of the question. We set out from our hotel to find Hanoi's French Quarter, home to many small shops, bird's nests of electric wires, street food vendors, and a cacaphony of sounds from motorcycles to canned music. To cross the street, one measures the traffic, and walks/wades through weaving motor scooters, taxis, bicycles and buses. To get away from this confusion, we took the first alley, and it was here that the French Quarter became more about the daily life of it's inhabitants and less about survival. in the quieter streets, it is so much easier to slow down and observe details, like this kettle on an equally rustic source of heat. I was drawn to the texture and diagonal play of light on the wall...even the stenciled lettering observed the slope of the shadow. And who was the proprietor of this outdoor cafe? The Quarter is full of little mysteries and touches of humanity like this. It was a great icebreaker to get a first taste of the city before the real itinerary of our photography workshop begins.
A Visit to the Hoh Rain Forest
The Olympic National Park has much in the way of nature's diversity. One can stroll wide driftwood strewn beaches, climb mountains, explore small towns frozen in time, and wander through moss covered trees so tightly packed together that daylight has difficulty shining through. Such was my experience in March; along the the half hour approach off the main highway to the Hoh Rain Forest. The road was lined with dense growth forest. The tall pines covered with hanging moss gave way to open meadow vistas of snow covered mountains. As we approached the Visitor's Center, the road followed along the Hoh River, with tho Olympic Mountains looming off in the distance, shrouded in fog. At any point, one could park the car on the side of the road and set up for amazing photographs. Inside the forest, there are a number of trails that one can follow, of varying lengths and degrees of ease. Here moss and plants grow upon each other weaving a fabric of thick vegetation. Due to time constraints, we chose to walk only the Mini-trail, with the sound of running water and the wind in the trees. There are other paths for longer hikes, lasting from one hour to overnight, that go deeper into the forest.
The Hoh Rainforest receives 10-12 feet of rain a year, as evidenced by the hanging moss in the trees, and the carpet of green velvet on the floor of the forest. There is the possibility of seeing elk, eagles and other wildlife in the dense, lush forest. The Hoh is one of two rain forests we will visit on our Profundo Journeys Photography Workshop in September 2017. The second is the Quinault Rainforest, which also hosts a number of waterfalls, perfect for photography. In March, the air is chilled and damp, but in September the prevailing weather is dry and with infinite blue skies. Still, I found the mist and overcast conditions to give a mysterious and ethereal feel to the environment, which is a way of looking at the glass half full in the typical winter weather of the Olympic National Park.
The full itinerary for the September's photography workshop is available at
A Scouting Trip to the Olympic Peninsula, Washington
Profundo Journeys Photography Workshop to be held
September 7-17, 2017
Part One
For six months, I have been relying on the superb planning work by John and Rita Abromowski, transplanted New Englanders now residing in Kingston Washington. John and I had worked at Color Lab in Providence together back in the early 1990's. I saw him at a 47/6 meeting of local Providence photographers two years ago, and he said if I ever wanted to teach a workshop in the Olympic National Park, he would be delighted to help with the planning. There it began.
It is hard to describe with enthusiasm places one has never experienced. It was time for me to see the places John had selected. Last week, Capt. John and I traveled to coastal Washington. We covered over 800 miles in the two full days of my visit! The workshop itinerary is varied, from coastal fishing villages and small towns to mountains, rain forests and wilderness coastal beaches. Being a scouting trip, we spent very little time in very many places. There was not time for 'serious, contemplative' photography (however, this is what the workshop will be all about!), only an overview, and back in the car.
The image above is from the destination that made a lasting impression on me, Ruby Beach, in the land of the Quileute Tribe. The weather in March typically is rain, mist and chill; we were not disappointed. But the atmospheric nature of the light led to mood of drama and the power of nature, as the surf pounded the beach. In the season of the workshop, the weather is predictably favorable with blue skies and fair winds.The tall mounds are known as sea stacks; the largest at low tide can be walked around! Note the few people walking on the beach for purposes of scale. Fellow travelers left the only traces permissible in the National Park...cairns.
After seeing the Olympic Peninsula with my own eyes, I am so impressed and inspired by her beauty. In the workshop, ample time will be given at each stop, so that the images can be carefully considered in the process of immersion. There is variety of subjects and genres, from street photography in Seattle to the small town flavor of Port Townsend, to the drop dead gorgeous landscapes of the National Park. Lessons appropriate to each location will be given, as well as nightly critique and discussion of the places and events of the day.
The workshop will take place September 7-17, 2017. A full itinerary is available at
]]>Day one proved the worst...sideways rain and wind. Fortunately, I had a backup plan; we were able to gain access to a local seasonal chapel, and with cameras on tripods, captured interior photos of the wainscoted walls and sheet-covered pews. The photograph with the most impact was of the aisle leading to the altar, complete with Tiffany stained glass window. The group then found other less apparent subjects; the draping of sheet coverings, the supportive arches of the ceiling, a hanging robe and other contemplative details.
(photographs by Carole Kenney, Linda Dupuis, Carol Beatrice and Missy Engelhard)
We woke on the second day to leftover showers and clouds. The grounds of the complex we stayed in had beautiful but quiet photo possibilities. There was an opportunity to walk in a contemplative unhurried manner before breakfast. This proved to be very fruitful.
(photographs by Missy Engelhard and Carol Beatrice)
The heavy rain of the previous day gave the waterfalls at the Basin and Sabbaday Falls more energy and volume. It also provided us the opportunity to experiment with creative shutter speed to affect different emotions in our photographs. The time passed very quickly as we were all completely absorbed in our work. Later that evening in our sharing of work, we found it amazing to have eight people photographing the same subject matter, yet come away with such different images.
(photographs by Carole Kenney, Frank Leith, Linda Dupuis, Sandra Saunders and Gina Campbell)
We spent much of the third day photographing the Lupines in Sugar Hill. After a hearty breakfast at Polly's Pancake Parlor, we visited three different fields of the purple, pink, and an occasional white lupine, in fields of yellow mustard flowers. The technical theme of the day was creative use of aperture and depth of field. We used macro lenses for close up work, telephoto lenses to isolate individual flowers and wide angle lenses to capture the colorful fields set against the Presidential Range mountains. Once again, each student created their own unique way of seeing. As we reviewed work that evening, there was mutual respect and support of each other's way of seeing.
(photographs by Gina Campbell, Missy Engelhard, Sandra Saunders and Frank Leith)
It was a very immersive four days of learning new technical concepts, practice in the field and editing photographs. On he last morning, all were encouraged to explore the grounds of the Deer Park Resort and be open to the surrounding beauty without expectations. I would like to everyone who joined me in the workshop and compliment them for their huge leaps in learning. I really enjoyed my role as workshop leader and teacher, and and know I will see each of them again!
Prague and the Czech Republic
October 7 - 20, 2015
Profundo Journeys
In October 2015, I will lead a group of photographers together with Eileen McCarney Muldoon, to the Czech Republic. This trip has been in the planning stages for almost two years; Eileen and I did our recon work in the fall of 2013, traveling around the country with a private driver and Michael Hansen of Prague Travel Advisors, selecting 'hub' areas from which we could explore in a slow paced, immersive fashion. Planning a trip of this breadth involves a lot of places we would like to have included, but didn't offer enough variety to hold the interest of a group. The resulting itinerary incorporates as little bus time as possible, with each stop offering many levels of interest and complimentary photography genres as possible; architectural, interiors, street, food, landscape and contemplative. Eileen and I offer as much or as little instruction as is necessary; often we can be found right next to you, photographing too. Our criteria for photography workshops is to run the kind of trip that we would like to go on ourselves.
Our itinerary begins in Prague, where, for four days, we will stay in a small, family run hotel in a quiet part of the city. We will have guided tours in the morning and afternoons to retrace our steps in a more contemplative fashion, from the top of the Hradcany castle area, to the winding passages of Josefov. Prague is as authentic a European city as there is to be found. It has open squares, fed by winding narrow lanes with hidden courtyards and tall spired churches. Getting lost in the maze of medieval streets is part of the fun. In the middle of the city is the Vltava River, spanned by no less that 9 bridges, the most famous of which is the Charles Bridge, dating back to the 13th century. To walk the bridge at dawn is a totally quiet and relaxing experience, and far different from the afternoon activity of buskers, hawkers and crowds.
We leave Prague and travel west to Marianske Lazne, a Bohemian spa town near the German border with curative waters in glassed in pavilions, rich Baroque architecture with colonnades, forests for strolling and , a perfect respite to reflect upon our Prague experience. I was impressed with the authenticity of the architecture; massive elegant hotels constructed for the thousands who came to M.L. to be healed and take of the clean country air.
We travel further to Cesky Krumlov, a UNESCO protected world heritage site, and a fairy tale place not to be missed. The town, situated in a bend of the Vltava River, features a 13th century castle of baroque, gothic and Renaissance elements. But it is the intimacy one experiences in the narrow streets of cafes, church yards and burgher houses with decorative facades. For two evenings and three days, we will be able to walk through these streets at will, early morning and by gaslight in the evenings makes for a very enchanted visit. Not to mention the infinite possibilities for taking photographs.
After our three days in Cesky Krumlov, we move onto Mikulov, in the southern area of the province of Moravia. Famous for its white cliffs and wine growing, Mikulov with its long history features a castle/chateau high above the town, a cobblestoned historic square, quiet medieval streets with red tiled roof houses, with ornate spires and adornments. There is a small remnant of Jewish community, with a cemetery of forgotten headstones whose dates begin in 1605, mikvah (ritual bath) and a ceremonial burial building.
We return to Prague for the final leg of our trip. Visits of note include the town of Kutna Hora with its ossuary church (bone chandeliers) and the concentration camp of Terrazin. There will also be a 'shopping day' to revisit special places, capture that last dawn at the Charles Bridge and linger over a coffee or beer in a favorite cafe. During the course of our stay, we will have the opportunity to have two dinners in private homes, and to walk the streets with Czech photographers. This thirteen night fourteen day adventure is designed to be an immersive experience for photographers and travelers alike.
Let me introduce you to a very old friend. This is the George C Clarke/Columbia Narrows Mill in Shannock Village, Richmond, RI. I began photographing this mill when I was first a photography student in 1977. In this days, I was not concerned with the technical approach to photographing; it was the sheer intrigue of exploring, finding something ‘hidden in the jungle’ that no one remembered or appreciated. Of course everyone knew about this place, but I was bringing it home to a new audience, my fellow students and friends.
Since the early days, much of the underlying drive in my work has been with that same love of discovery and documentation. With my most recent project, documenting the ruins of the Industrial Revolution along the Blackstone River in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, the rekindling of this subject matter has brought me back to Shannock.
So, on a recent Sunday morning, after an early spring dusting of snow, I went back to my familiar stomping grounds, but I had never seen it before with this beautiful light., and the added dimension of a fresh snowfall. During the entire ride along Route 2, I continually remarked about how beautiful a morning it was; the way the powdery snow rested on every vine, every limb, deep into the woods.
This image was one of the first made, just as the skies began to clear, and the breeze began to blow the dusting off the trees. This corner of the mill peeking over the brush speaks to me as a watchful sentinel still standing proud, but wary. From this angle, one cannot tell the roof is long fallen in, the panes of glass shattered, the building pretty much an empty shell. Although the property is now a deteriorated relic, it is a living entity to me. I often could not find the right words to describe my feeling when I first started photographing mills, using the adjective ‘heroic’ more than any other. In a sense, this is more accurate than not, since what this building represents is an era of prosperity. The town of Shannock came to be around the economic production of the mill. The Industrial Revolution and textile manufacturing, created this mill, and then left it fallow as manufacturing moved south. What is left is a reminder of what was once state of the art, not relegated to the forgotten.
Enter me, the ‘millgroupie’, intrigued by what has been coined ‘Red Elephants’. On this particular March morning, the interior was coated in white, over the carefully placed contents, and the intruding natural vines and brush. Imagine, the vastness of this once vital space cropped down to a few square feet!In this fresh and clean light, subjects that in and of themselves lack anything spectacular reveal themselves. A window sill, coated in a dusting of snow and debris is tactile and overshadows the bright exterior. A haphazard array of bricks in a blocked out window takes in the air of a painted fresco, with vein like lines crisscrossing the patina of plaster. A collection of bottles backlit and translusent become instead a formation of frosted circles. It seemed to me I'd never seen the mill with this clarity. Everywhere I looked, something came alive. If only all photo excursions were this fruitful!
I never know what gifts I will find in my old Richmond RI friend. This particular morning was a fine one in a long line of visits. Soon, the spring growth will fill in many of the abandoned spaces, and a new set of opportunities will present themselves for those listening…and seeing.
I call this particular category “Empty Facades”. The first image, shot in Coxsackie, NY had the feeling of time passing this block of storefronts by. The town was once thriving, the site of a ferry crossing over the Hudson River. Bridges were built up and down the river, and there was no longer need for ferry service. The lines in the building are still proud, even as the windows are boarded up, seemingly devoid of people.
Other such facades began to appeal to me, urban scenes, in mill villages like Berkeley and Valley Falls, RI. The spaces were empty, boarded up retail spaces. Instead of looking in, I felt a presence in looking out at me, architectural souls that given a voice, could tell stories of the good ol' days of thriving commerce and human activity.
At first, I was drawn to the elements of different sized rectangles, mostly on a single plane; these portals in space like empty souls. The empty facades suggest the presence of people; what were the ghosts that stared back from these spaces, the activities, and the purpose? Why were they left to neglect and obscurity? As I look deeper into the windows, there are still signs of humanity; the draped American flags and curtains hung as a means of privacy. Even as the glass reflects as a barrier, broken panes and fogged interior elements add to the sense of mystery.
The brick facade below in Stockton, MD goes one step further, in that this is an actual ghost town, once a thriving commercial center, when the shellfishing industry was at its height. Now the shellfish are gone, as are the people.
Many such areas exist on backroads and in our backyards. They stand as witnesses and testaments to what once was, now vestiges of simpler times.
Look for new discoveries on my website, under the Cindy Theme 'Empty Facades'.
In doing a bit of image editing from this past October (it seems I’m forever catching up on reviewing photos), I discovered a couple of examples of my ongoing fascination with sunrise and reflection. The images are both taken from the parking lot we used to call ‘Ryan’s’ on different mornings during the same week.
Every morning, it is a new world in Wickford harbor. Variations in the light, color cloud cover and water surface are different. The fog brings intrigue, and each year, the boats along the pilings change. My favorites are the still mornings, when the morning clouds reflect on the surface of the harbor.
This fascination with stillness and reflection started with Channel Fog and Channel Sunrise, shot with a Mamiya 6, on Fuji Provia 120 slide film, back in the day. The symmetry creates the a pattern of perfectly repeating shapes, the tone and color of the sky tinting the water. On cool fall and warm spring dawns, mist rises on the surface; the low angle of the sun highlights the mist and create wonderful atmospheric color.
I have taken this approach to image making into the rest of New England and in my world travels. ‘Mirrored Sunrise, Eastport , ME’, and ‘Silence is Golden, Queeche VT’, are two examples. Dramatic light at sunrise can be a precursor for deteriorating conditions throughout the day, as the cloud cover is the leading edge of a weather front. I never know what I am going to find setting out, but am rarely disappointed. Morning fog may initially obscure the sun, but then can burn off to a delightful sunny day.
There are similar light events at the time of sunset and the magic light that precedes it. One of my all-time favorites, ‘Reflections of New Harbor, Block Island’, was taken at the end of a stormy day, as the cloud cover separated from the western horizon, the sun acting like a warm spotlight on the eastern departing storm. The time right after sunset also has it’s own magic. The stillness and cloud cover of ‘Raw Bar Reflection, Cuttyhunk’ required the steadying support of a dock piling, to create the deep depth of field and low ISO.
I feel an inner peace, serenity and sense of awe witnessing this natural calm. There is a magical connection going out before and after the light of day, with a camera, tripod and steaming mug of coffee. I feel I am an explorer, connecting to the glory of the light and reflection before me, knowing this particular show of beauty is there for the moment, never to be duplicated.
These images were taken on opposite sides of the world. The first image, the cobblestoned “Ancient Portal” is in Cesky Krumlov, in the Czech Republic. I traveled here in the fall of 2013, with Eileen McCarney Muldoon to research an upcoming Profundo Journeys travel photography workshop. In Cesky Krumlov, I found the authentic old world enchantment of a middle European castle town. The further I physically traveled into this town, the farther back in time I journeyed. When I found this arch, I was immediately drawn to it’s framing of the light and the textures and openings of the building beyond, my eye being drawn down the cobblestones to an unknown world. What lay behind the boarded up windows, the rounded gate, and that very intriguing little window under the eaves…? Stepping back, the intentional inclusion of the arch in the image creates depth and connects the present and past as a stepping into a continuance of time; from the closest layer of the modern day world into the past. I felt the passage of many souls on a journey through this portal throughout the ages, and now it was my turn, not to travel, but to acknowledge.
The complimentary images are from Rhode Island’s own Fort Adams. They were taken in the summer of 2014 during a one day Profundo Journeys photography workshop in which we explored parts of the fort inaccessible without a guide. While instructing a student, my attention was drawn visually to the shapes framed under the arch; a ‘hidden world’ of doorways and windows and a source of light and texture beyond the frame. In this interior space, arches guide the eye to an area of brightness beyond. Because of the low level of light, and the desire for a deep depth of field, my tripod was an indispensable tool, and I had to wait for a student to finish with mine. The entire time, the awareness of the space grew. Just as in Cesky Krumlov, there is a sense of intrigue. Even though the space is bereft of people, a presence lingers. How many feet have trampled that sandy floor, to the source of the light? Again, I was compelled to acknowledge the journey through time and space by making these photographs. Symbolically, it my passage of self discovery I am looking at through the arches of photography.
This repeating element in design is a theme that has been imbedded in my work for quite some time. I have gone back through my archive of photographs taken through the ages, here in the US and away, and found more images of archways. I have created a subset on my webpage that features these compositions called arches and framing. Follow the link to the gallery here:
Thanks very much for visiting and reading this blog post. Writing this has been a valuable experience, and I hope you will join me again.
The 6th Annual West Bay Open Studio Tour will be held October 25 & 26, 2014, from 11 - 5 PM. Meet the 20 artists in their studios located in Warwick, East Greenwich, North Kingstown, Exeter & Saunderstown, open for exhibitions of art, demonstrations, & lively discussion. See the artists at work in their creative spaces!
Please visit my studio, #14 on the map at 650 Ten Rod Road, North Kingstown. I have been working to have the studio look as I envisioned her when I first took this space. Framed photographs and portfolio books await your perusal. I will offer printing and framing demonstration throughout the weekend.
For a map and information about the artists, please visit
]]>I invite you to visit my Wickford Art Festival booth #235, the coming weekend, July 12 & 13, in front of 'Gossip' at 16 Main Street, Wickford. I have prepared a selection of local, travel and personal projects images for display and sale. Every picture has a story! Come hear, tell!
First class this morning, "Making Friends with your Digital camera", awaiting my six students! It was a fine way to feel right at home in the studio.
I’m fresh back from a reconnaissance trip with Eileen McCarney Muldoon to Williamstown Ma, to plan our Profundo Journeys ‘Autumn Light’ photography workshop in the Berkshires. I haven’t spent time in this part of New England, and found the area to be full of bucolic vistas and traditional farms. There were surprisingly more mills and the accompanying industrial infrastructure than I’d anticipated. I’m looking forward to the four day workshop to be held from September 28-October 1. Please visit for more information.
Thursday evening, June 26, is the opening for the prestigious Connecticut Academy of Fine Arts show at the Mystic Art Center. My piece, “Havana Night” was accepted for this show.
This weekend, Saturday and Sunday June 28 & 29, is the Narragansett Art Festival. I will be in booth #20 showcasing new travel and local photographs, and talking up classes and upcoming workshops. Please stop by if you have the opportunity!
On Monday, June 30, I will be creating an exhibition of art with my fellow artists of 19 on Paper at the Hive RI, 650 Ten Rod Road in North Kingstown. The exhibit, in this progressive business community workspace, will be on view for the months of July and August 2014. The opening reception is July 19, from 5-7 PM.
My studio space continues to evolve into exhibit space, classroom and portraits. In July, a four-week class “Making Friends with your Digital Camera” begins. The sessions will be structured with lessons, critique and field shooting with homework assignments. The classes will be small, 6 students only, so that each individual can be guided through the material. Enrollment is already 2/3 full!
The Wickford Art Festival is right around the corner, July 12 & 13, 2014. I will once again have the spot in front of 14 Main Street, once home to our Wilson Scott Galleries. Come for a visit, rain or shine!
I first visited this space in the historic Rodman Mill in April after our Profundo Journeys trip to Vietnam. The first floor was being divided into working spaces, and I was taken with its beautiful light and clean lines. I was also intrigued will the prospects of having a professional studio after many years of working from home. On June 1st, we moved the drafting table, desk & computer, into my first ever studio space. I look forward to having a dedicated space to edit, print, frame & display my photographs, as well as offering classes, private lessons & professional portraits.
Please stop by for a visit. I am located on the first floor facing the front of the building, on the east wing, nine doors down on the left. I can be reached at 401-714-4039. Look for an official opening reception in the near future. Thank you!
I have found a heightened sense of purpose in photographing the crumbling vestiges of the Industrial revolution. The mills in our section of the country are a remnant of what once was; they've been demolished, burned or in more recent times, found a new life as residences and offices. I started with this fascination almost 30 years ago, as a beginning photography student at URI. Many of the mill sites I trespassed then are long gone, now parks, shopping centers and empty lots.
In addition to occupying massive volumes of space, often two and three city blocks long with 5 and 6 stories, there are pieces and parts that make a whole; a massive brick stack, a connecting walkway bearing the ingenuity of gears and pulleys, to the smallest, precision ventilation grates bearing the name of the manufacturer.
It is in exploring and documenting the past through photography, that the forgotten returns to life. I look forward to discovering new sites that stand as a testament to our industrial heritage.
Imagine, me, the photographer who prided herself with wide expansive landscapes dependent on the magic light of golden hour, finding the world in detail and form…
This has been as a result in part of returning to the subject matter of industrialism and mills. It is a treasure hunt for subjects that tell stories, a rusted hinge, an embossed trademark on the lintel over a door; training my eye to see the essence of the subject with minimal distraction from areas not essential to the feeling of the piece. The subjective aspect is in the recognition of the subject to begin with. If I were to draw on paper the object of my interest, it easier to be objective of what to include and exclude from the frame.. Why then populate the frame differently because I can capture it mechanically?
My approach is to consider my subject and ask what will be the essence of this image? For example, in this image from the Whitinsville Mill, the story is suggested in the craftsmanship, and layers of texture that one might imagine from such a small element.
Additionally, the return to the subject of industrialism presents the opportunity to look at vernacular form. As we explored the Providence River by boat we passing under the Point Street Bridge, the bold graphic shapes of the old power plant came into view. Repeating patterns of rectangles, diagonals and negative space are the building blocks this image. But it was this industrial structure, created for a purpose that really was my objective.
There are examples of all of my work at Visit and let me know what you think!
Pleasant Street Pano from Iphone 5
A new web site…what an undertaking! The process of choosing and modifying templates, visualizing the navigation of pages, and categorizing the photos, was like a huge puzzle. Thoughts came together during walks and long bike rides, and I am proud to announce the new website. I have categorized my photos into fine art local images and travel images, and can now add images on an ongoing basis. I look forward to editing and uploading my images from our 2013 Profundo Journeys Ireland photography workshop, a gallery of New England images, in addition to earlier bodies of work.
Bob Kidd & Cindy Blair have both been incredibly helpful in this project; Bob for his never ending support as I learned the Zenfolio system and Cindy whose web designing skills have served me so well over the past 5 years.
The spring & summer of 2013 have been full of other projects and opportunities. I am honored to share the Save the Bay galleries in Providence with Beverly Thomas and Jodie Eyre until July 18. The lobby at the Save the Bay facility is well lit and very suited for exhibitions.
The 51st annual Wickford Art Festival, Saturday and Sunday July 13 and 14, from 10-6 PM is our 20th year as exhibiting artists. My booth, still with the 'Cindy Horovitz Photography' sign is #235, at 14 Main Street in front of ''Elle G' (the site of the former Wilson Scott Galleries).
This spring I taught Photoshop Elements in conjunction with the North Kingstown Arts Council. I am amazed at how many tools are included in this program. Scheduling is in the works for another introductory session this fall, followed by a more advanced class. Look to the website for all class listings. In addition to the PSE class, the first Digital Scrap Booking class was developed on a pilot basis. This 5-part class introduced Photoshop Elements in conjunction with creating a photo book, from existing files and scanned photographs. Projects range from a children's book of animals to the construction of the original Jamestown Bridge. Another class will be offered this fall, again through the Arts Council.
Planning continues for our upcoming photography workshops to Block Island, Cuba & Vietnam. For more information, please visit for the full prospectus on each. I have also included information on my new web site for all upcoming workshops, exhibits and classes. Teaching has developed into a passion. I am continually learning and love to share my experience as I present new ways of explaining technical and creative concepts. Together with Eileen McCarney Muldoon, we hope to see you in a future class or workshop.