Honing your Vision
Photography Portfolio Development
January 29, February 5, 12, 19, 2019, 5-7 PM
The South County Art Association
The Green Hinge
How does one assemble a cohesive body of work, and the vision that creates it?
This class is designed for the student who is interested in taking their photography to the project, portfolio level.
Each class will have a critique of the current body of the student’s work, with constructive ideas on how to grow
and expand to a more concise portfolio.
Group participation and encouragement will give each student directions in which to explore and
strengthen their work. This course will encourage the student to work on one theme or subject, exploring and
pushing the boundaries to create a body of work that is expansive yet consistent. Class activities will focus on
presentation of images and group discussion and critique. In the end, each student will have an
understanding of what constitutes a cohesive portfolio, with the class project as a first step.
Knowledge of basic photography required. This will not be a technical class.
Register with the South County Art Association