Happy Holidays from Cindy Wilson Photography

December 23, 2017  •  Leave a Comment
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'Winter Winds, Block Island', currently on exhibit at the
Providence Center for Photographic Arts

Season's greetings and thank you for your continued support of classes, travel photography workshops and fine art exhibitions. 2017 featured fabulous photography experiences in Cuba, Vietnam, Provincetown, Washington's Olympic Peninsula and  Scotland. Photographs from these adventures can be viewed at www.cindywilsonphoto.com
The 2018 Profundo Journeys photography tour in Cuba is barely three weeks away! Fourteen days of exploring the backroads of the country, engaging with people, and experiencing this incredibly unique culture await our group of ten photographers and photo enthusiasts. 
The 2018 photography tours and workshops are featured in this email below. The Balkans, Provincetown and Vietnam are great destinations for making one of a kind photographs  and sharing experiences with like minded friends.
Upon my return, the www.profundojourneys.com site will be transitioned to a blog format. Images, stories and lessons related to photography will be featured here on a weekly basis.
Information about upcoming travel photography workshops, classes and exhibitions will be available on my website, www.cindywilsonphoto.com


Commuting by Buggy, Gibara Cuba, 2017

Night Reflections on the Danube, Belgrade, Serbia

Serbia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Montenegro & Dubrovnik

May 3 - 16, 2018

For photographers and lovers of culture alike!

I am excited to offer this 14 day odyssey to the Balkan Peninsula, with an itinerary aimed to please the traveling photographer and world citizen! This is a great opportunity explore a part of the world that is rich in culture, history, and natural beauty, while learning to make stunning travel images.
Destinations include the Serbian capital city of Belgrade (our starting point), world class national parks, UNESCO sites, small countryside villages (with visits to Bosnia on the River Drina), and fabulous Dubrovnik, Croatia.
There is so much to see, learn and experience in this area! What could be better...travel and photography, great food and the camaraderie of new friends.
Dates: May 3 (depart from Boston, USA) - 16, 2018
Tuition: $5995
Itinerary and  tour details available here:
To Register contact Cindy at [email protected]


Number Nine, Ballston Beach, Truro, MA

Provincetown, Finding the Light

June 12-15, 2018 

Join David Pinkham & Cindy Wilson for four immersive days in Provincetown, Cape Cod. We will explore the town; it's street life and architecture by day and night, it's beaches, ponds and waterways with dawn to dusk light, learning new techniques and ways of seeing....with a few breaks in between!
Dates: June 12-15, 2018
Tuition: $875
Information and itinerary are available here

To register, please contact:
Cindy Wilson: [email protected]
David Pinkham: [email protected]

Photo by Yang- Vuong Lien Duong

Vietnam: the Far North

September 21- October 5, 2018

The far north of Vietnam is home to awe inspiring, forbidding mountains, lush green hills and valleys; ribbons of terraced rice following the contours of gentle hills, ethnic minorities in authentic villages. Travel with Cindy Wilson and Yang Vuong-Lien-Duong of Indochina Charm Travel to the remote northern reaches of Vietnam. This photography workshop will feature incredible natural landscape photography opportunities; the golden terraced rice fields at the time of harvest, vast misty expanses of fertile valleys, and cultivated rows of tea plantations. We will visit villages of the highland peoples, witnessing and photographing their daily lives. At the end of the day, there will be the sharing of images and discussion about our experiences. 
Dates: September 21-October 5, 2018
Tuition: $3495
Maximum group size: 8 Minimum: 4
A deposit of $1000 secures your seat on this immersive experience to the far north of Vietnam. 
Contact Cindy for details 


Neist Point Lighthouse, Isle of Skye

Scotland: the Highlands, Skye and the Hebrides

September 9-19, 2019


Cindy Wilson and David Pinkham are in the planning phase of a  2019 photography workshop in the Highlands, Hebrides and Edinburgh, Scotland. Details will be forthcoming!


Providence Center for Photographic Arts 

Second Member's Exhibition 

December 7 - January 12, 2018
Opening reception December 7, 2017
5 - 9 PM


19 on Paper at Wickford Art Association

January 14-February 4, 2018
Opening reception January 14, 1-3 PM

Upcoming Classes

Foundations of Digital Photography

Wickford Art Association
Wednesdays, January 24, 31 & February 7, 14, 21, 2018
4-6 PM


Introduction to Photoshop Elements
South County Art Association
March 13, 20, 27, April 3, 10, 2018
4-6 PM

Private lessons!
For the photo enthusiast in your family...a great holiday idea.

Contact Cindy 

My mailing address is:
20 Stonegate Drive, North Kingstown, RI

Studio address:
650 Ten Rod Rd North Kingstown RI


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Profundo Journeys · 20, Stonegate Drive · North Kingstown, Rhode Island 02852 · USA 

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